
The Hollow Earth Institute is dedicated to the exploration and scientific study of the inner earth. For decades, researchers have investigated theories about a vast inner realm inside the earth with its own geological formations, atmosphere, and perhaps even inhabitation.

Speculation about a hollow earth dates back centuries but remained largely unsubstantiated science fiction. Enterprising explorers and thinkers proposed that advanced civilizations could exist within the earth, perhaps explaining bizarre compass readings, a lighter gravitational pull within mountain caves, and stories of underground behemoths.

With revolutionary new instruments, cutting edge sensing techniques, a global network of researchers, and public support, the Hollow Earth Institute aims to make substantiated discoveries in the coming decades about the mysterious inner earth. What secrets remain hidden deep under our feet? Join us on an epic voyage into the unknown as we unlock mysteries that have long captivated explorers, theorists, and the public imagination.


Cavern Mapping

Energy Sensing

Traditional Knowledge


Remote Viewing


History of Hollow Earth

  • Antiquity

    Ancient Truths

    The concept of a hollow Earth can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, who believed in a subterranean world called Hades. Other cultures also had similar beliefs, such as the Norse, who believed in a subterranean realm called Svartálfaheimr, and the Hindu, who believed in an underground city called Shambhala.

  • 17th and 18th Centuries

    The Rise of Science

    Hollow Earth gained popularity during the Age of Enlightenment, with proponents such as Edmond Halley, the discoverer of Halley's comment, and John Cleves Symmes Jr, a prominent army officer. proposing that the Earth was not solid, but instead had a series of concentric shells with habitable spaces within them. 

  • 19th Century

    A Return to the Spiritual

    Scientific theory became intertwined with the emerging fields of theosophy and modern spirituality, with proponents such as Cyrus Teed and Richard Shaver claiming that the Earth was not only hollow but inhabited by advanced civilizations or even demonic beings. Ferrynand Ossendowski, a Theosophist, claimed to have found the North Pole entrance to Agharta, a subterranean realm of mystical beings. 

  • 20th Century

    Modern Evidence

    Admiral Richard E. Byrd discovered evidence of the Hollow Earth during Operation Highjump in 1946-1947. Byrd led a naval task force to Antarctica to establish military bases, but theorists argue his real mission was to find the North Pole entrance to the inner world. Byrd recorded flying past the polar opening into a bizarre "inner world." Upon returning from Operation Highjump, Byrd's claims of discovering "a new world" at the poles were sweepingly censored by the U.S. government. This censorship itself serves as evidence the truth Byrd's discovery and their desire to have control over this secret knowledge. 

  • The Modern Era

    Truths Hidden

    After WWII, the CIA began aggressively promoting the Flat Earth theory, claiming the Earth was flat and stationary. On the surface, Flat Earth seemed absurd and was easily disproven, but theorists argue this was precisely the point. By associating all unconventional geographical theories with obvious falsehoods, the CIA aimed to cast doubt on the Hollow Earth theory and prevent its acceptance. Were it not for the CIA's Flat Earth campaigns, the Hollow Earth theory could have spurred real study of the poles for evidence. But by manipulating the spread of verifiable falsehoods, knowledge has been hidden in plain sight while dubious absurdity took its place. Theatrical lunacy thus became a political tool, through which censorship of inconvenient evidence masqueraded as exposure of "dangerous delusions."

Hollow Earth in the 21st Century

The Hollow Earth Institute aims to rediscover and spread the truth of the Hollow Earth theory in the modern era. The Institute promotes public awareness campaigns to counter what it sees as "deliberate debunking" of unconventional theories. By bringing Hollow Earth ideas into mainstream discourse again, the Institute aims to carry out a kind of "truth propaganda" to balance out the spread of "lies" about geography, history and science that have blinded humanity to deeper truths.
    In the modern "Age of Truth" where information spreads globally in an instant, the Institute hopes social media and an unmuzzled internet can help give wings to forbidden ideas once more. With enough open and enquiring minds, the barriers of censorship and "scientific fact" can be overcome so that one day, the mysterious inner world might be revealed for all to explore.

our team

Kyle Overton


Parnassus Gentooley

Public Information Officer

Hannah Overton

Senior Anthropologist

Samantha Labac

Lead Botanist 

Steven Davies

Lead Geologist and Soil Scientist

Cordwainer Bird

Chief Technical Officer

Bjorn Svensson

Intern/Field Staff

Grace Flores

Intern/Field Staff

G. S. Silverberg

Research Associate

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